December Altar Server Schedule

Kindly review the available slots below and click "sign up" to sign up to serve for the Low Masses and one Sung Mass this month. If there is still an open slot on the first of the month, you are welcome to sign up to serve for an additional Sung Mass.

Thank you!

- Fr. O'Brien


"Christ’s birth was not necessity, but an expression of omnipotence, a sacrament of piety for the redemption of men. He who made man without generation from pure clay made man again and was born from a pure body. The hand that assumed clay to make our flesh deigned to assume a body for your salvation. That the Creator is in his creature and God is in the flesh brings dignity to man without dishonor to Him who made him.

Why then, man, are you so worthless in your own eyes and yet so precious to God?"

~ St. Peter Chrysologus ~

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