St. Joseph Homeschool Group

The Holy Family by Murillo

The St. Joseph Parish Homeschool Group is open to all members of the parish. We seek to support the education of our children in traditional Catholic precepts by faithfully adhering to the holy Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church and passing along the Church’s beautiful tradition of prayer and study. We are grateful for the guidance, structure, support, and teaching offered our group from the priests of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, in residence here at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Tacoma.

Mission Statement

Saint Joseph Parish Homeschool Group is an association of Catholic parents, operated by St. Joseph’s Latin Mass Parish, who are faithful to the scholastic tradition of the Church. As a homeschool group, we provide education, encouragement, and support to Catholic homeschooling families through a variety of activities. Our goal is to help each other foster a Catholic culture in our homes. As the principal and first educators of our children, may we always remember that our primary responsibility in home education is teaching the Faith to our children, so that they might one day become saints.


Our chaplains are the priests assigned to St. Joseph Parish. In addition to being chaplains, they also have the final say in all decisions regarding the St. Joseph Parish Homeschool Group.

The activities of the group will be coordinated by the Director of Communications staff in collaboration with the Enrichment Coordinator and Field Trip Coordinator, which are volunteer positions.


The St. Joseph Parish Homeschool Group membership year runs from September to August; however, we accept members year round; the cost will NOT be prorated. Membership must be renewed each year by completing the registration form and submitting dues. Annual dues are $50 for parish families with at least one child age 6 or older; $25 if all children are age 5 and under. Dues are subject to change in future years. Payment plans and partial scholarships are available upon request. Membership entitles you to access to our parish homeschool group, St. Joseph homeschool program, Flocknote list, member directory, and invitations to group events.

The homeschool group registration fee is due at the time of registration and is non-refundable. This secures each family’s spot in the St. Joseph
homeschool program (should they desire to participate). Please note, there is an additional supply fee of $200 per year to participate in the homeschool program. Failure to pay the initial registration fee will result in not being able to participate in the parish homeschool group.

"Happy the priest who loves his pastor's lot and lives wholly in it, fulfilling day by day the slight and despised acts of charity to all who need his care, and laying up in heaven unconsciously the gold dust of a humble life, looking only for his eternal reward."

~ Cardinal Henry Edward Manning ~

Copyright © 2015-2025 Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Latin Mass Parish, 602 S 34th St., Tacoma, WA 98418. All Rights Reserved.

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