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- 30 minutes prior to each Mass and as needed after Mass
If you need to go to confession after Mass, please wait in the last pew or along the wall.
Extreme Unction
- Contact the parish as needed: 253-472-2489
- Sacramental emergencies, please call: 253-234-5714
For Registered Parishioners
Baptisms should take place within the first two weeks of birth. Please contact the parish office one month prior to the baby's expected due date.
After filling in the form, please download it and send it to parish@saintjosephtacoma.org, or print it and put in the collection basket.
First Holy Communion
First Communion can be received as part of a group (usually in May or June) or at any time by arrangement. Please contact Fr. O'Brien for information, 253-301-2416.
Confirmation classes are offered once a year. Registration for the classes is announced in the bulletin each fall.
Holy Matrimony
Please contact the parish office six months prior to the proposed date of marriage to arrange consultation with a priest. At least one party must be a registered and attending parishioner.
Please contact the parish office to make arrangements.
Contact information for the parish office
Sandra Gascoyne, Parish Secretary: 253-472-2489
"Calvary is like a reservoir of divine life or grace. From it, there flow seven different kinds of sanctification for man in different stages of his spiritual existence. Each of these seven channels is a sacrament by which the power of the Risen Christ is bestowed on souls by a spiritual and effective contact."
~ Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen ~
Copyright © 2015-2024 Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Latin Mass Parish, 602 S 34th St., Tacoma, WA 98418. All Rights Reserved.
Website comments or questions: info@saintjosephtacoma.org