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Parish Groups

Our Lady of Victory Altar Society

The Primary Purpose and goal of the St. Joseph Altar Society is to praise and honor the Blessed Mother under the title Our Lady of Victory, to secure her patronage by providing and maintaining a suitable place for her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, securing adequate care and upkeep of the church and maintaining altar linens and vestments.

Associated altar society works are assisting with funeral receptions, managing hall supplies and assisting with the Rosary-making ministry.

We entrust ourselves to our Lady, asking her to intercede for our success in all our endeavors.

The altar society meets quarterly. Meetings are announced in the bulletin and via Flocknote.

Catechism Classes

As announced...

"Catechism Lesson" by Jules Alexis Meunier

"Catechism Lesson" by Jules Alexis Meunier

Confraternity of Christian Mothers

Join St. Joseph moms for prayer, inspiration, fellowship, and support with like-minded mothers in Christ!

Members will be enrolled in the Confraternity of Christian Mothers and receive countless heavenly graces for their vocation and their families.

The mothers' group meets on the second Saturday of each month (September through May). For more information, please contact Barbara Hancock.

Men's League

The St. Joseph Men’s League is a fraternal society dedicated to a spiritual growth in holiness, and a commitment of service to our parish. We daily pray a short devotion to our glorious patron, St. Joseph, for our members and their families. We meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. for the rosary, a talk from Father, then meeting/society. Membership is open to all men of the parish who are 18 and over. Speak with Ron Whelan for more information.

Pro-Life Group

The St. Joseph pro-life group is committed to fostering an awareness to the dignity and sanctity of all human life. We pray outside the Tacoma Planned Parenthood facility every Thursday morning after the 8:00 a.m. Mass. If you are unable to join us in sidewalk prayer, please consider uniting your prayers with us during this time.

Rosary Makers

The St. Joseph Rosary Makers invoke Our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary asking her maternal intercession as we gather to make and promote the Rosary for foreign and domestic missions and prisons throughout the world. We meet on the third Saturday of each month, following the 9:00 a.m. Mass, in a spirit of fraternal charity to make mission (cord) rosaries. We happily encourage and instruct new members, ages 13 and up, men and women, to join us! Minors must be accompanied by an adult. All supplies are provided. Please contact Kathleen Barlow for more information.

Altar Server Training

All boys who would like to learn to serve at the altar and have received their First Communion are invited to participate in server training on the first Saturday of each month. No experience is necessary. Please contact Fr. Loftus for additional information.


Sacred music has a very important place in the worship of the Church. Having beautiful sacred music can only be achieved through much dedication on the part of the choir. New members are always welcome. Rehearsals take place in St. Joseph’s Hall (a.k.a. the basement).

Little Flowers

The Little Flowers Girls' Club is for girls ages 6 through 12. We meet on First Saturdays after Mass and Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Please contact Christine for additional information.

The Little Sodality of Mary

The Little Sodality of Mary is for girls ages 12 to 17. The younger girls focus on developing their interior life while the older teens focus on moving the interior life outward. The sodality meet at St. Joseph on the First Saturday of each month, following Mass and Exposition. If your daughter(s) would like to participate, please contact Christine Boyle with their name(s).

Youth Group

Our mission is to enrich the spiritual, moral, and intellectual life of the parish’s youth. Our goal is to give the youth of the parish a place to grow and mature in their faith. A place where they can build authentic friendships grounded in Christ, and where they can begin to discern their vocation. For more information, please see the bulletin or sign up to receive our parish news.

St. Joseph Parish Homeschool Group

Saint Joseph Parish Homeschool Group is an association of Catholic parents, operated by St. Joseph’s Latin Mass Parish, who are faithful to the scholastic tradition of the Church. As a homeschool group, we provide education, encouragement, and support to Catholic homeschooling families through a variety of activities. Our goal is to help each other foster a Catholic culture in our homes. As the principal and first educators of our children, may we always remember that our primary responsibility in home education is teaching the Faith to our children, so that they might one day become saints.

Our membership year runs from September to August; however, we accept members year round. Membership must be renewed each year by completing the group registration form and submitting dues. Annual dues are $50 for families with at least one child age 6 or older, $25 if all children are age 5 & under. Payment plans and partial scholarships are available upon request.

Young Adult Group

The young adult group at St. Joseph is a community of parishioners in their twenties and thirties seeking to grow in knowledge and love of God and in fellowship with each other. We meet every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at St. Joseph in Tacoma, and occasionally in the greater Western Washington area for hikes, camping trips, happy hours, and retreats. The group is only open to those who are 18 and older. Please contact youngadults@saintjosephtacoma.org to sign up for our email list.

"Happy the priest who loves his pastor's lot and lives wholly in it, fulfilling day by day the slight and despised acts of charity to all who need his care, and laying up in heaven unconsciously the gold dust of a humble life, looking only for his eternal reward."

~ Cardinal Henry Edward Manning ~



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Approval for Flocknote groups is based on parish registration.

Copyright © 2015-2025 Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Latin Mass Parish, 602 S 34th St., Tacoma, WA 98418. All Rights Reserved.

Website comments or questions: info@saintjosephtacoma.org