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Passion Sunday

Passion Sunday

In the Introit, Gradual, and Tract, the Psalmist, exiled among hostile people, represents Christ “against whom rose up an angry nation.”

The Gospel shows us the growing hatred of the Sanhedrim. Abraham believed the divine promises which heralded the Messias, and in limbo his soul rejoiced to see them now fulfilled. But those, who ought to have recognized in Jesus the Son of God, greater than Abraham and the Prophets, misunderstood the meaning of His words. They insulted the Messias and tried to stone Him.

St. Paul tells us that Jesus Christ is the Pontiff and the Mediator of the New Testament. In the same way as the High Priest once entered the Holy of Holies with the blood of the victims, so, in a far more excellent way, Christ entered into heaven, the true Holy of Holies, to offer to His Father the blood He shed for us (Epistle).

Until Maundy Thursday, in Masses of the Season, the Psalm Judica me, and Gloria Patri at the Introit and after the Lavabo are emitted.

-St. Andrew Daily Missal

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