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Resumed 5th Sunday after Epiphany – Sunday, November 12, 2023
Semi-double Green vestments
God has sown the good seed generously in His field, the world; He has sown grace and love, and the desire for total oblation, the ideals of an apostolic, religious, saintly life. But, in the midst of all this good, the enemy comes to sow evil. Why does God permit this? To sift His servants as we sift grain, to test them. . . . we should consider that, whereas cockle cannot be changed into wheat, it is always possible for the wicked to be converted and become good. Were not Magdalen, the good thief, and Peter, who had denied Jesus, converted? This is one of the strongest motives to incite us to do good to all. When our love is perfect, we are able to live among the wicked without being harsh or contentious, without being influenced by them, but rather doing them good.
The divinity of Jesus is affirmed by His doctrine at which the Jews of Nazareth wondered (Communion). In Jesus’ kingdom here on earth there are both good and bad subjects, wheat and tares, and it is only when our Lord comes to judge men, that He will separate the one from the other for all eternity.
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