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Septuagesima Sunday – Sunday, January 28, 2024

Septuagesima Sunday

St. Paul tells us that this world is a race, wherein all must run; but that they alone win the prize, who run well. Let us, therefore, rid ourselves of all things that could impede us, and make us lose our crown. Let us not deceive ourselves: we are never sure, until we reach the goal. Is our conversion more solid than was St. Paul’s? Are our good works better done, or more meritorious, than were his? Yet he assures us that he was not without the fear that he might perhaps be lost; for which cause he chastised his body, and kept it in subjection to the spirit.

Man, in his present state, has not the same will for all that is right and just, which Adam had before he sinned, and which, notwithstanding, Adam abused to his own ruin. We have a bias which inclines us to evil; so that our only means of keeping our ground is to sacrifice the flesh to the spirit.

To many this is very harsh doctrine, hence, they are sure to fail; they never can win the prize. Like the Israelites spoken of by our apostle, they will be left behind to die in the desert, and so lose the promised land. Yet they saw the same miracles that Josue and Caleb saw!

So true is it that nothing can make a salutary impression on a heart which is obstinately bent on fixing all its happiness on the things of this present life; and though it is forced, each day, to own that they are vain, yet each day it returns to them, vainly but determinedly loving them.

Commentary from The Liturgical Year by Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B. (1805-1875)

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