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The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost – Sunday, November 5, 2023

Semi-double Green vestments

23rd Sunday after Pentecost

The season after Pentecost is a symbol of the long pilgrimage of the Church towards heaven; that is why the last Sundays describe to us prophetically its last stages.

At the end of the world, the Lord foretold on one occasion, there will be such a recrudescence of evil that the charity of many will grow cold. Crushing trials will then afflict Christians as they once afflicted Israel when they turned away from the Cross (Epistle).

From the depths of the abyss, the nations will cry to God (Gradual, Offertory) and God, whose thoughts are of peace and not of anger (Introit), and who always hears prayers made with faith (Communion), will pardon nations for their offenses (Collect), and will deliver both the Gentiles and the Synagogue from their captivity (Introit, Gradual).

Both indeed are figured as St. Jerome explains in his homily on the Gospel, by the two women healed by Jesus. The one with an issue of blood is first restored to health, and the daughter of the prince of the synagogue afterwards, for the Apostle has said: “When the fullness of the Gentiles shall have entered, then shall all Israel be saved.”

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