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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – August 15

Double of the First Class with an Octave White Vestments

The Assumption

Just as a little child, on the natural level wishes to be in the presence of his mother, and give her little gifts and presents to show his love for her; so, we must always desire to always be in the presence of Mary–our spiritual Mother–and to present to her little tokens of our love and devotion towards her. How often do we think of Mary truly as our Mother? St. Alphonsus reminds us that not only do we have a Queen in Heaven, but we have a Mother. As He died upon the cross, Christ gave His mother to us through His apostle–St. John. Mary is truly our mother and we are truly her children.

Today, Mary our Mother is gloriously assumed into Heaven–body and soul. Like little children then we should call out to her and seek her until we are united in Heaven body and soul. We should tell her often how much we love her by praying her Rosary each day, by consecrating ourselves to her, and above all by going to Mass on her feast days and receiving her Son in Holy Communion. This childlike devotion to our Blessed Mother is necessary now more than ever.

Our world is in desperate need of Christ. In order to bring Him into the world, the Church needs families and individuals who are completely devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. For as Christ came to redeem the world through Mary, He will continue His saving action in the world through Mary and those consecrated to her.

This feast is the most ancient and solemn of the Cycle of Mary (6th century).

Admitted to the enjoyment of the delights of eternal contemplation, she chose at the feet of the Master the better part which shall not be taken aways from her (Gospel, Communion). The Gospel of the Vigil was formerly read after today’s Gospel, in order to show that the Mother of Christ is happy among all others because better than all others, “she listened to the word of God.” This word, the Word, the divine Wisdom which, under the Old Law, dwelt among the people of Israel (Epistle), dwelt in Mary under the New Law. The Word became incarnate in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, and now amid the splendor of the heavenly Sion He fills her with the delights of the beatific vision.

The Church, on earth, like Martha, has to care for the necessities of this present life, but she also, like her, invokes the help of Mary (Collect, Secret, Postcommunion).

A procession has always been a part of the feast of the Assumption; at Jerusalem it was a pilgrimage to the tomb of the Blessed Virgin.

At Rome from the 7th to the 16th century the papal cortege went from the church of St. John Lateran to that of St. Mary Major. This ceremony was called the Litany.

On this blessed feast of the Assumption, let us consecrate ourselves to Mary and her Immaculate Heart that she might form Christ in us and we might bring Christ to the world who needs Him so badly.

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